It’s common for online traders to think of a list of all their products on their e-commerce website or Store Digital Marketing Agencies in Newcastle enough to be found in searches and driving meaningful traffic.
Unfortunately, without utilizing search engine optimization (SEO), especially with the focus of ecommerce SEO – it’s far from reality. We will dive into it but first of all historical lessons.
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What is E-commerce SEO?
E-commerce SEO is the practice of increasing your online store visibility in search engine results. The main goal is as high as possible for the product you sell, increase new visitor traffic and produce more income.
Can your e-commerce store guarantee sales?
Gone is’ building it and they will come days when you can create an online store, send your site to search engines, sit and note visitors (and next sales).
At present, the competition is too intense on the Internet (and Google Search) to find any success measure without trying to work in your search visibility. Simply put, you must be seen on the search engine results page (SERP) for potential customers to find you.
How to use e-commerce SEO for ranking in search results
So, the best way to find by new consumers is to appear consistently at SERP using great SEO tactics. The startup and the hustle of the side that turned into a multi-million dollar company did not do it lucky alone. They learn SEO so that their e-commerce stores can rank on the first page of Google and enter the front of the potential customers looking for their products.
While the world of SEO and e-commerce always changes, there are some stoic rules that will always produce concrete results. And, fortunately, even a little SEO knowledge that can walk far towards an increase in your bottom line. If you want to increase the ranking and page view, read on for our guide to SEO.
1. Optimize your store for search engines
You can sell the most innovative products, but if it’s not registered on Google’s first page when consumers are looking for, you might not be visible. Your ranking in search engines can always be upgraded, but first of all, you must understand how search engines “interpret” the content of your website.
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How search engines work for eCommerce
Search engines use bots that crawl internet and find new content such as websites, pictures or articles through the following links. As a crawler follows each link, both internal and external, then it will index (categorize) everything he found is a relevant and credible resource.
Then, when someone searches, Google will comb the database of the indexed content to display the most relevant list for search requests. And unfortunately, if your store or product list is not in the search engine index, you will not be seen in the list – even on brand searches.
To see what is indexed on your e-commerce site, go to Google and Type “site:” to the search bar. You will get a list of all indexed on your site along with the way you read to find visitors. If you feel there are no many list of products or the wrong list, Google may have trouble finding your content or difficulty crawling your product page.
Get your indexed shop
Register for Google search console accounts. In this ecosystem, you can send a sitemap to Google so that it can crawl your site and start indexing pages. Sitemap.xml files such as road maps that google to find pages, posts, and products.
Note: Sitemap should not replace the structure of a good internal link and must act as an additional direction for the crawler.
However, the sitemap still helps Digital Marketing Company in Newcastle if your store is new, has several internal links or a small backlink profile.